

To declare fill color use a string in format "#RGB", "#RRGGBB" or "#RRGGBBAA":

background = "#FFF"
foreground = "#A2A2A2"
border = "#BEBEBEAA"


When defining gradients, use the same property as you would for a single color, but provide a table value instead. All gradient configurations share these common properties:

KeyTypeDefault valueShort description
modeString-Specifies the gradient type
degreeu16-Angle of the gradient in degrees
colors[Color; 2..]-An array of color values (in hex format)

Supported gradient types

Linear Gradient

Linear gradients create a smooth transition between two or more colors along a straight line.background. The transition direction is determined by the degree value, where 0° points upward and the angle increases clockwise.

background = { mode = "linear-gradient", degree = 30, colors = ["#F00", "#0F0", "#00F"] }]