General Settings

General settings apply to the entire notification system and control global behavior.

Property nameDescriptionTypeDefault value
fontFontString"Noto Sans"
widthWidth of banner frameu16300
heightHeight of banner frameu16150
anchorScreen position where notifications appearString"top right"
gapSpace size between two banners. Measures in pxu810
offsetDistance from screen edges[u8, u8][0, 0]
sortingHow notifications are orderedString or Sorting"default"
idle_thresholdDuration that pauses notification timeouts during user inactivityString"5 sec"
limitMaximum number of notifications on the screenu80


Accepts the font name, which may or may not be separated by spaces.

font = "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font"


The application can only use font names recognized by the fc-list command. Styled fonts like "Noto Sans Bold" can't be used directly, but the app may load the required styles internally.

Width & Height

The width and height properties define the dimensions of the notification banner frame in pixels. These settings control the visual size of the individual notification banners on the screen.

  • width: Sets the horizontal size of the banner.
  • height: Sets the vertical size of the banner.
width = 400
height = 200


The anchor of the current monitor for the current window instance, which determines where the notification banners will appear. The possible values are:

anchor = "top"


Dash between words is optional.


The gap property specifies the amount of space, measured in pixels, between two adjacent notification banners. This setting ensures that notifications do not overlap and maintains a consistent visual separation between them.

gap = 15


The offset from the edges for the window instance. The first value represents the offset along the x-axis, and the second value represents the offset along the y-axis.

For example, if you choose the "bottom-left" anchor and set an offset of [5, 10], the window instance will be positioned at the bottom-left edge of the current monitor, with a 5-pixel offset from the left edge and a 10-pixel offset from the bottom edge.

offset = [10, 10]


The property that determines the banner sorting rule. This is particularly useful when you want to position banners with critical urgency at the top or bottom.

You can define a string for ascending sorting by default.

# with default ordering
sorting = "urgency"

However, to sort in descending order, you must define a table:

Possible values of the by property name:

  • "default" (alias to "time")
  • "time"
  • "id"
  • "urgency"

Possible values of the ordering property name:

  • "ascending" (also possible short name "asc")
  • "descending" (also possible short name "desc")
# with specific ordering
by = "id"
ordering = "descending"

Idle Threshold

When idle_threshold is set, notifications will not be removed or expired while the user is idle beyond the configured threshold. Once the user is active again, the timeout resumes. This setting accepts a human-readable duration format (e.g., "15 minutes", "30s").

If set to "none", the idle timeout behavior is disabled.

idle_threshold = "5 min"


The maximum number of notifications that can be displayed at once. Once this limit is reached, any new notifications will be queued and shown once the currently displayed ones either time out or are manually dismissed.

A value of 0 means there is no limit.

limit = 3